#!/usr/bin/perl -w ## ## BDX.pm - XML Birthday Reminder package ## Copyright (c) 2001 Leo Fellermayr ## ## $Id: BDX.pm,v 0.01 2001/06/21 15:27:18 leo Exp $ package BDX; # ----- required modules use DBI(); use HTML::Entities; use MIME::QuotedPrint; use Net::SMTP; use XML::Parser; use XML::Writer; use Time::localtime; use URI::Escape; # ----- some global vars (specify if you want to) my %xmldb = (); my %today = (); my ($d,$m,$y,$date); my $notify_to = 'leo@prinzess.dyndns.org'; my $bdfile = '/wwwroot/prinzess.dyndns.org/html/dyndata/birthday.html'; my $mbdfile = '/wwwroot/prinzess.dyndns.org/html/db/monbir.html'; my $smslog = '/tmp/sms.log'; my $smsprog = '/wwwroot/prinzess.dyndns.org/bin/smswebde2.pl'; my $xmlbase = '/wwwroot/prinzess.dyndns.org/serverdata/birthday.xml'; # ================ write_xml (\%thehash) # # writes all messages from the given hash to the xml base # sub write_xml ($) { my $hash = shift; umask 002; $xmlbase = new IO::File (">$xmlbase") or die $!; my $xml = new XML::Writer ( DATA_MODE => 1, DATA_INDENT => 2, OUTPUT => $xmlbase ); $xml->xmlDecl ("ISO-8859-1", "no"); $xml->doctype ("birthday", "", "birthday.dtd"); $xml->startTag("birthday"); foreach (@{$hash}) { $xml->startTag("bdr", "gebdat" => $$_{gebdat}); $xml->startTag("name"); $xml->characters (encode_qp ($$_{name})); $xml->endTag("name"); $xml->startTag("email"); $xml->characters (encode_qp($$_{email})); $xml->endTag("email"); $xml->startTag("handy"); $xml->characters (encode_qp($$_{handy})); $xml->endTag("handy"); $xml->endTag("bdr"); } $xml->endTag ("birthday"); $xml->end; $xmlbase->close(); } # ----- sql2xml ($dbname, $dbtable) # # extracts content of a MySQL data base to a given XML file using DBI/DBD # sub sql2xml ($$) { my ($dbname, $dbtable) = @_; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=localhost", "root", "", {'RaiseError' => 1}); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $dbtable"); $sth->execute(); my $sqlbase; while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { my %ds = ( gebdat => $ref->{gebdat}, name => $ref->{name}, email => $ref->{email}, handy => $ref->{handy} ); push @{$sqlbase}, \%ds; } write_xml ($sqlbase); $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); } # ----- parse_xml ($xmlfile) # # Parses the xml file and returns a reference to the hash containing data # sub parse_xml ($) { my $xmlfile = shift; my %birthday = (); my $textbuffer = ""; sub StartTag { my ($expat, $element) = @_; if ($element eq "bdr") { $birthday{gebdat} = $_{gebdat}; } } sub Text { my $expat = shift; $textbuffer = $_; } sub EndTag { my ($expat, $element) = @_; if ($element eq "name") { $birthday{name} = decode_qp($textbuffer); } elsif ($element eq "email") { $birthday{email} = decode_qp($textbuffer); $birthday{email} =~ s/(\n)|(\s)//g; } elsif ($element eq "handy") { $birthday{handy} = decode_qp($textbuffer); $birthday{handy} =~ s/(\n)|(\s)//g; } if ($element eq "bdr") { my %this = %birthday; push @{$xmldb}, \%this; } } my $xml = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Stream', ErrorContext => 2); $xml->parsefile ($xmlfile); @{$xmldb} = sort { $$a{name} <=> $$b{name} } @{$xmldb}; } # ================ bd_new (\%form) # # Adds the supplied CGI form to the bottom of the xml base. # sub bd_new ($) { my %form = @_; my $offset = $#{@{$xmldb}} - 5; push @{$xmldb}, \%form; write_xml ($xmldb); print "Location: http://prinzess.dyndns.org/db/birthday.php?offset=$offset\n\n"; } # ================ bd_delete (\%form) # # Deletes an entry from the xml base, which must be specified # sub bd_delete ($) { my %form = @_; foreach (@{$xmldb}) { if (($$_{gebdat} ne $form{gebdat}) and ($$_{name} ne $form{name})) { my %this = ( gebdat => $$_{gebdat}, name => $$_{name}, email => $$_{email}, handy => $$_{handy} ); push @{$new}, \%this; } } write_xml ($new); print "Location: http://prinzess.dyndns.org/db/birthday.php\n\n"; } # ----- bd_admin ($offset, $perpage) # # shows a specified offset of the XML database formatted in HTML # sub bd_admin ($$) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my ($offset, $perpage) = @_; $offset ||= 1; $perpage ||= 10; my $entries = $#{@{$xmldb}}; if ($offset > $entries) { print "Offset > Anzahl Einträge in der Datenbank!"; exit (0); } sub navig { if ($offset > $perpage) { $newoffset = $offset - $perpage - 1; print "Zurück  \n"; } if ($entries > $offset + $perpage) { $newoffset = $offset + $perpage; print "Weiter\n"; } } my $i = 0; navig; print "

\n\n"; foreach (@{$xmldb}) { $i++; if ($i % 2) { $color = " bgcolor=\"#dedede\""; } else { $color = " bgcolor=\"#f6f6f6\""; } if (($i >= $offset) and ($i <= $offset + $perpage - 1)) { print "\n"; if ($$_{email}) { $$_{email} = "$$_{email}"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; } } print "
$$_{gebdat}" . encode_entities($$_{name}) . "$$_{email}$$_{handy}Löschen
\n"; navig; } # ----- get_birthdays # # creates a hash containing people whose birthday is now # sub get_birthdays { my $age; foreach (@{$xmldb}) { my ($td, $tm, $ty) = split (/\./, $$_{gebdat}); if (($td eq $d) and ($tm eq $m)) { $age = $y - $ty; my %this = (); %this = ( age => $age, name => $$_{name}, email => $$_{email}, handy => $$_{handy}, gebdat => $$_{gebdat} ); push @{$today}, \%this; } } } # ----- various notifying subs for web, mail and console use # ----- bd_web() # # prints html-formatted output (e.g., for CGI use) # sub bd_web { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $i = 0; foreach (@{$today}) { $i++; if ($i > 1) { print ", "; } print encode_entities ($$_{name}) . " (" . encode_entities ($$_{age}) . ")"; } if ($i eq 0) { print "Heute keine Geburtstage.\n"; } } # ----- bd_mailnotify() # # sends notification to the webmaster ($notify_to) via e-mail # sub bd_mailnotify { if ($#{@{$today}} + 1 > 0) { my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('localhost'); $smtp->mail('bdx\@leoshome.de'); $smtp->to($notify_to); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("From: XML Birthday Reminder \n"); $smtp->datasend("To: XMLBR-Verteiler\n"); $smtp->datasend("X-Priority: 1\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: Geburtstage am $date\n\n"); $smtp->datasend("Geburtstage am $date:\n\n"); foreach (@{$today}) { $smtp->datasend("- $$_{name} ($$_{age})\n"); } $smtp->datasend("\n\n--\nBirthday Reminder\n(c) 2001 Leo Fellermayr (leosmail\@mac.com)\n"); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit(); } } # ----- bd_preload() # # saves birthday information for today into a HTML formatted file # sub bd_preload { open (BDFILE, ">$bdfile"); $i = 0; foreach (@{$today}) { $i++; print BDFILE ", " if ($i > 1); if ($$_{email}) { print BDFILE "" . encode_entities($$_{name}) . " ($$_{age})"; } else { print BDFILE encode_entities($$_{name}) . " ($$_{age})"; } } if ($i eq 0) { print BDFILE "Heute keine Geburtstage
\n"; } close (BDFILE); } # ----- bd_month() # # prints birthdays in current month to a specified HTML file # sub bd_month { @{$xmldb} = sort { $$a{gebdat} <=> $$b{gebdat} } @{$xmldb}; open (MBDFILE, ">$mbdfile"); print MBDFILE "\n"; foreach (@{$xmldb}) { my ($hd, $hm, $hy) = split (/\./, $$_{gebdat}); if ($hm eq $m) { $age = $y - $hy; if ($$_{email}) { print MBDFILE "\n"; } else { print MBDFILE "\n"; } } } print MBDFILE "
$$_{gebdat}" . encode_entities($$_{name}) . "$age
$$_{gebdat}" . encode_entities($$_{name}) . "$age
\n"; close (MBDFILE); } # ----- bd_gratulation() # # sends gratulation wishes to people who have birthday via e-mail and SMS # sub bd_gratulation { foreach (@{$today}) { if ($$_{email}) { my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new("localhost"); $smtp->mail("glueckwunsch\@leoshome.de"); $smtp->to($$_{email}); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("From: Leonhard Fellermayr \n"); $smtp->datasend("To: $$_{name} <$$_{email}>\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: Herzlichen Glueckwunsch\n\n"); $smtp->datasend(" Hallo $$_{name},\n\nherzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Gute "); $smtp->datasend("zu Deinem Geburtstag wünscht Dir\n\n Leo.\n"); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit(); } if ($$_{handy}) { open (SMSLOG, ">>$smslog"); my $log = `$smsprog $$_{handy} "Hallo $$_{name}, herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag. Leo Fellermayr."`; print SMSLOG $log; close (SMSLOG); } } } # # ------- main program # # fetch data from MySQL data base # this is usually needed only once for getting XML data if (!(-e $xmlbase)) { sql2xml ("birthday", "birthday"); } # get current date (day, month, year) my $tm = localtime (time ()); $date = sprintf ("%02d.%02d.%04d", $tm->mday, $tm->mon + 1, $tm->year + 1900); ($d,$m,$y) = split (/\./, $date); # parse the XML birthday file if (-s $xmlbase) { parse_xml($xmlbase); # read the complete db into %xmldb } else { print "error: xml base not found!"; exit (0); } # get today's birthdays get_birthdays(); # today's birthdays into %today # now we are ready to handle all the specific notifying/messaging subs above 1;