LVII. Mimetype Functions


The functions in this module try to guess the content type and encoding of a file by looking for certain magic byte sequences at specific positions within the file. While this is not a bullet proof approach the heuristics used do a very good job.

This extension is derivated from Apache mod_mime_magic, which is itself based on the file command maintaind by Ian F. Darwin. See the source code for further historic and copyright information.


Diese Funktionen stehen immer zur Verfügung. Sie sind Teil des Standardmoduls und daher immer verfügbar.


The extension needs a copy of the magic.mime as distributed with the file command. This file also part of most recent Linux distributions and usually stored in the /usr/share/misc directory.

Laufzeit Konfiguration

Tabelle 1. MIME magic Configuration options


Resource Typen

Diese Erweiterung definiert keine Resource-Typen.

Vordefinierte Konstanten

Diese Erweiterung definiert keine Konstanten.

mime_content_type -- Detect MIME Content-type for a file