Chapter 26. Attachment Object Definition

A Midgard function like mgd_get_attachment and object methods like $object->listattachments return objects upon success. This section describes the contents of those objects.

The functions listed within the object definition are the object methods that are available for the object. Usage information about thos methods can be found in: Object Methods.

/* Attachment Object Prototype */

Class attachment {

 var $N;     // Only in objects created by calling $object->listattachments.
 var $id;
 var $ptable;
 var $pid;
 var $score;
 var $name;
 var $title;
 var $location;
 var $mimetype;
 var $sitegroup;
 var $author;
 var $created;

 function fetch(); // Only in objects created by calling $object->listattachments. 

 function delete();
 function update();

 function listparameters();
 function parameter();
 function searchparameters();

 function getsitegroup();
 function setsitegroup();