Chapter 23. Article Functions

Table of Contents
mgd_approve_article — Approve/unapprove an article
mgd_copy_article — Copy an article
mgd_copy_reply — Copy an reply
mgd_create_article — Create a new article
mgd_delete_article — Delete an article
mgd_delete_article_tree — Delete an article_tree
mgd_get_article — Get an article
mgd_get_article_by_name — Get an article by its name
mgd_get_reply_by_name — Get a reply by its name
mgd_is_article_in_topic_tree — Check location within a topic tree
mgd_is_article_owner — Check article ownership
mgd_list_reply_articles — List articles in reply of an article
mgd_list_topic_articles — List articles under topic
mgd_list_topic_articles_all — List articles under topic tree
mgd_move_article — Move an article to different topic
mgd_move_reply — Move an article to different topic
mgd_toggle_article_lock — Toggle the locked/unlocked state of an article
mgd_update_article — Modify an article
mgd_update_article_created — Update the creation date of an article
mgd_update_article_replyto — Link one article to another
mgd_update_article_score — Set the score of an article
mgd_update_article_type — Set the type of an article

This section describes the Midgard functions that are related to articles.